Sadly, Mickey Rourke missed out on an Oscar for his performance in The Wrestler last night, but this lovely little article in the UK Telegraph puts it all in perspective. Mickey's beloved chihuahua Loki died 6 days ago after 18 years as "the love of his life". He would have traded the Oscar for more time with Loki, which just goes to show that Mickey Rourke is one of the few hollywood actors with his head screwed on straight.
Mickey Rourke, For The Love of a Small Dog salutes you.
I think you should invite Mr Rourke to be For The Love of a Small Dog's ambassador. Send him a letter, I reckon he'd go for it.
Fab idea Kettle. Apparently, Mr Rourke is already something of an animal rights activist.
Have you heard back from Mr Rourke yet? Was he pleased about his new title?
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