Thursday, November 26, 2009

Melissa Shoes

Attention! Attention! We at FTLOASD have a truly exciting discovery to report! Just this evening I have stumbled upon the wonderous loveliness of Melissa Shoes*. How I could have lived in ignorance of these divine shoe-beings is completely beyond my comprehension. I think its best if I just show you some purty pictures (borrowed with thanks from Fat4 and some other site) and some mouth-watering video.

The shoes above were done in collaboration with practically the only fashion designer I actually like, Vivienne Westwood.

Watching the video is imperative.


* the truly madly deeply fabulous thing about Melissa shoes is ... nothing had to die to make them. Sure, some petrochemicals were inconvenienced but its a great result overall. Yay for that!


Alice said...

Ms Westwood and these shoes are totally post modern and wonderful. The petrochemicals should be honoured!

Senji said...

I need to find a Melissa stockist, stat!

Kettle said...

Bloody hell I was all ready to diss them (those stems, they can't be real) but then I watched the video and they look so freakin' comfy! I'll buy some for you for Christmas if you buy some for me?

Senji said...

Gosh, I wish I could afford to Kettle. It'll be colourfully decorated toilet paper rolls all round this year I'm afraid ... but, er, you could buy me some? :)