Yesterday a two-faced kitten was born in Perth (see above, in case you didn't already notice). Apparently it eats out of only one mouth but meows out of both simultaneously. What a plucky little blighter!! (or blighters).
The second most interesting thing about this event is that the vet nurse who assisted in the delivery of the kitten remarked "I have seen cats with two tails and extra legs, but not this." Apparently Perth, WA is the place to be for feline deformities.
Hey ya Senji, are you weirded out by this? Not having any experience with cat 'differences' I'm not sure how to feel about it... it looks kinda gross but am I just being uni-headed? Would it hurt to have two heads? Does anyone have any answers?
All valid questions DK. I know I'm a bit of an animal maddie, but there is something about that kitten(s) that is just darn cute! I think its the way the cheek fur of each face meets in the middle. Awww.
In sad news, the two-faced kitten has died 3 days after birth due to asphyxiation caused by fluid on the lungs. RIP little guy.
Please please post something new! I can't bear to look at that poor cat anymore ;)
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