Due to *ahem* overwhelming demand I am going to provide a couple of vague and unhelpful movie reviews, mainly because most films I see go in one eye and out the other. Anyhoo, here I go.
Inglourious Basterds
Brad Pitt doing a weird accent. Nazis. Thuggish jews with baseball bats. A vengeful cinema owner and much, much more. The real star of IB was the guy who played Colonel Landa. What a menacing prick he was. Recommended.
District 9
We ended up seeing District 9 'cause our friends got tickets first, then the session proceeded to sell out, then our friends gave us their tickets. What bloody superstars! Thanks Lala & Mark. It was a very entertaining flick, with what Margaret and David call a "predictable narrative arc" but nevertheless it makes my recommended list simply for being set in Jo'berg replete with cool, freaky SA accents and names like Wikas.
The September Issue
Anna Wintour is nothing but a stone cold bitch, and don't let this documentary lead you to believe anything different. She is THE woman responsible for bringing fur back into fashion. Enough said. The true hero of this doco is Grace Coddington, the fashion editor at Vogue. It is obvious she has serious artist talent. Heaven knows why she wastes her vast artist energies on fashion.
We took TBC to a Reel Mums session at Dendy Newtown. We missed $9.99 at the Sydney Film Festival this year so I was glad to see it got a cinematic release. I was primarily curious to watch $9.99 as its a Sherman Production, as in the Sherman family who fund the animal rights charity Voiceless. Emile Sherman runs the film production business that has produced such Australian films as Candy, Rabbit Proof Fence and more recently Disgrace. Plus I'm also a sucker for claymation. There was an a-list cast of Australians voicing the characters - Geoffrey Rush, Anthony Lapaglia, Claudia Karvan, Joel Edgerton and a few others I can't remember right now. I enjoyed the film but felt the stories didn't intersect terribly well and relied on being set in the same apartment building.
Anvil! The Story of Anvil
See previous posting for a review of Anvil! Recommended.
I'm not just a sucker for claymation but pretty much all animation, so seeing the new Pixar flick was never in doubt. Great animation with astounding attention to detail, amusing dialogue and characters produced a very good film. Margaret and David also loved it. Definitely not just a kids film as so many would assume. Also, there was a cool little short at the start of the movie about clouds making babies and storks delivering them. Cute.
Julie & Julia
J & J didn't really appeal to me but Mum asked if I would take her to see it and I had a two for one deal for Palace Norton St cinemas after becoming a member, so I thought what the hay (or hey? ... hmmm). J & J was mostly light and fluffy and fun, but Amy Adams' character was annoying and Meryl Streep's performance had to carry the film. Which it did. Recommended if you like this sort of thing.
I was looking forward to seeing Moon. It looked very suspenseful and I thought I knew how the characters and plot would turn out, but was pleasantly surprised that the 'narrative arc' took another turn altogether. I won't reveal the details as it is a film worth seeing, but I can say Kevin Spacey's onboard computer GERTY didn't turn out to be as menacing as I had assumed. And I expected more suspense but the characters were not left in the dark as is usual in a sci-fi thriller.
It is important to note that Sam Rockwell is a hotty.
What was with Sam's vision of the woman? I didn't understand that.
1 week ago
I am impressed by the length of this post. The lateness of the hour and the amount of wine I have drunk prohibit me from doing it justice so I will return, fresh-eyed and bushy-tailed, in the morning.
I can say this: it's good to have you regular again.
Aw shucks .. thanks Kettle aka "the fan"
You didn't mention the 3D glasses and $20 price tag for seeing Up! You will have to do a review of the movie we see tomorrow night.
Oh yeah! I forgot about that. What a rip!
As one of those in the chorus demanding your insightful comments, thank you. Where did you go to see Up!? I can't remember seeing a short film prior to it. However, i agree it is actually much more meaningful to the older demographic. And i have to say i am giving second thoughts about seeing Moon - i had dismissed it as a kind of remake of 2001.
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