I am, of course, refering to Aussie Ladette to Lady. That show has everything - slappers, loud-mouthed old school marms, well heeled inbred toffs, and everyone displaying appalling behaviour from go to whoa. Don't you just love it when a show simultaneously holds a mirror up to the boganity it exploits while showing up the equally crass, judgmental and class-driven snobbery of the supposed arbiters of decency and good behaviour? I do. And the even greater truth is that I, the viewer, revel in every minute of it.
Season two brings us a fresh crop of hard-drinking, hard-living young women all intent on outdoing each other's "ladette" behaviour. The stand out ladette for me as of the first episode is Shari, for whom "clothes just get in the way of a good time". For some reason, despite some pretty off colour behaviour, Shari made it through for another week of televisual humiliation. Perhaps they've recognised that a girl like Shari makes for good television. Or am I being cynical? Letisha got the boot on the first episode so we won't get a chance to plumb the depths of her bogan psyche. Jessica is another stand out ladette, but for my money I reckon Kerryn will bring home the pearl earrings. The rest are a mix of extrovert teens and early twenty somethings, mere episode padding fodder. And of course, Mrs Brewer, Mrs Harbord and Mrs Shrager bellow their way around Eggelston Hall, accusing the girls of being " disgusting sluts". Now that's finishing school!
Check out this link for more info on the girls:
I'm taking bets on which ladette will be first to crumple against the ample bosom of Mrs Shrager, sobbing about the terrible life she has led so far and how desperately she wants to turn it all around. I think we'll see some action of this sort by episode 3, episode 4 at the absolute latest.
Also, an honourable mention for whoever best describes the animal Mrs Harbord looks most like.
Season two brings us a fresh crop of hard-drinking, hard-living young women all intent on outdoing each other's "ladette" behaviour. The stand out ladette for me as of the first episode is Shari, for whom "clothes just get in the way of a good time". For some reason, despite some pretty off colour behaviour, Shari made it through for another week of televisual humiliation. Perhaps they've recognised that a girl like Shari makes for good television. Or am I being cynical? Letisha got the boot on the first episode so we won't get a chance to plumb the depths of her bogan psyche. Jessica is another stand out ladette, but for my money I reckon Kerryn will bring home the pearl earrings. The rest are a mix of extrovert teens and early twenty somethings, mere episode padding fodder. And of course, Mrs Brewer, Mrs Harbord and Mrs Shrager bellow their way around Eggelston Hall, accusing the girls of being " disgusting sluts". Now that's finishing school!
Check out this link for more info on the girls:
I'm taking bets on which ladette will be first to crumple against the ample bosom of Mrs Shrager, sobbing about the terrible life she has led so far and how desperately she wants to turn it all around. I think we'll see some action of this sort by episode 3, episode 4 at the absolute latest.
Also, an honourable mention for whoever best describes the animal Mrs Harbord looks most like.
What about Beauty and the Geek - Australia or Apprentice Australia....both modern classics!
Beauty and the Geek maybe ...
Can you post a pic of Ms Harbord, for those of us not lucky enough to have viewed said tv wonder-show at this point in time? I love an animal guessing game.
Mrs Harbord is the one in the red jacket on the far right of the above picture. But you really need to see her with her mouth open to get a proper idea of what animal she is most like. I'll see if I can dig one up and add it to the latest ALTL post.
Ooh goody, I can't wait. Will I be able to tell the difference between Ms Harbord and, say, a porn star?
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