Perhaps surprisingly, I've been getting out to the movies quite regularly since the arrival of The Bear Cub (henceforth known as TBC). In fact, since 27 July I have seen 8 films at the cinema, not to mention lots of trashy telly:
Inglourious Basterds (25 August)
District 9 (1 September)
The September Issue (15 September)
$9.99 (17 September)
Anvil! The Story of Anvil (22 September)
Up! (29 September)
Julie & Julia (12 October)
Moon (13 October)
That's roughly a film a week and a half or so. I achieved this glorious feat through a combination of (1) the use of babysitters - 3 times; (2) leaving TBC home with MBH - 4 times; and (3) taking TBC with us to a baby friendly film screening, in this case Reel Mums at the Dendy Newtown. Bloody good invention these baby friendly film screenings. Variously called Reel Mums, Babes in Arms and Mums & Bubs, these screenings allow you to take your Squalling Little Monster to the movies with other mums and SLMs without fear of the stern looks and head shaking that come with public social disapproval. TBC was pretty good, but it wouldn't have mattered if she wasn't 'cause other bubs were piping up at various times during the film. The volume (of the screening not the babies) was loud enough to be heard without being too loud for the babies to sleep.
5 days ago
Has this wonderful idea compeltely distracted you from offering a film review???? You talk about convenience and being sheilded from social dissaproval but not the films!!!!! Or did i miss it?
I guess you must find the new ostracism difficult to deal with... I would like to read a blog about parents you dissaprove of? There's not enough vitriol here...ha ha nice blog
Senji you are a miracle of modern motherhood. My cultural life was a desert as a new mum. I adoer those kitsch kittens and you've whetted my appetite for a Dendy vist.
Oh, spot on Lala. I WAS being too lazy to write any reviews, so talking about Reel Mums etc was a bit of a cop out ... ok, I shall attempt a review of one of them ...
Why thank you Alice, glad to be any kind of inspiration :)
Have to say i agree with mirella - where are the reviews?? I would say i only read the blog for the reviews, except that that would not be true - the various bits of art i would never see are deeply cool. However, your rating of the various films and insights are appreciated. i am looking forward to your opinion of Spike Jonze's "Where the Wild Things Are" - is it art, is it appropriate for little tykes?
"Squalling little monster": aww, cute.
Yeah ... luckily they have human faces :)
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