Sunday, November 1, 2009

Shiny Objects

Here is something pretty I'd like to get my mits on:

This is the La Sorrentina coffee maker, a reproduction of the Atomic Coffee Maker imported into Australia by the Bon Trading Co from the 60's to the 80's. According to the Bon Trading website the Atomic is still being made, but it is the opinion of some that none have been produced since the factory in Milan burnt down many years ago. Apparently, "new" Atomics are usually cheap knockoffs made in India and lack the quality and attention to detail of the genuine machine. Who knows the truth? Certainly not me. I have had my eye on the La Sorrentina, which is a licensed reproduction but still costs about 450 bucks, which ain't as much as the second hand Atomics!

After much agonising about whether to invest in such a lovely shiny thing I decided not to make the purchase. This is rare for me. MBH calls it having "a bee in my bonnet" but sometimes when such an objay has taken my attention I find it virtually impossible to resist. Somehow, this time I decided on a com-pro-mise and bought a perfectly lovely Bialetti Moka Express instead. Octagonal-y. As you can see, the Bialetti is no slouch in the lovely shiny thing stakes either:

Coffee anyone?


Alice said...

We had an Atomic for years. Matte finish though. Replaced the gasket twice then the last time it wore out were told they couldn't get them anymore. Made great coffee and was quite a talking point!

Senji said...

So jealous! I should have known you would have been well acquainted with such a fabulous thing.

Kettle said...

Yes please, a coffee (skinny FW) and a new post thanks. How much is that?

Senji said...

Coming right up!